How to delete your Joan Portal account?

We are sad to see you go. 

The process for deleting your Joan Portal account is fairly simple. Make sure you un-pair your Joan devices from your Joan Portal before you delete your account.


How to delete your Joan Portal account

  1. Log in to your account on
  2. In the top menu, click on Settings and then select Account on the menu on your left side.
  3. Now click on the button Delete account. You will be redirected to another view where you’ll be presented with the warning message. We will inform you about the data you are removing, and what that means for your subscriptions and devices. Please note that the action is permanent.
  4. Confirm your action by clicking on the button Yes, delete the account.
  5. Now you’ll be shown with a new window where you’ll find information that the removal was successful. You will be prompted to take a survey. We would appreciate your feedback!

In case you change your mind, you have the ability to click on the button Start over. In that case, you’ll be immediately redirected to the login page.


If you need any additional support, please feel free to contact us at