Account settings

In the “Account” section of the settings, you are able to change your current login email and your password.

A direct link to the page can be found here.

If you need help with changing your email or password, see the instructions below.

How do I change my login email?

In order to change your email, follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to and navigate to Settings -> Account
  2. On the “Account” settings page, next to the "Current email address", click on the Change email address buttonAccount information
  3. Once you click there, you will be redirected to the "Change email address" form
  4. First input the new email that you wish to connect to the MyJoan in the “Enter new email address” field
  5. Type the same email address once more in the “Repeat new email address” field
  6. Click “Change email

Once you click “Change email address”, the MyJoan will take a second to update your information and inform you as soon as it is done. This process should take no longer than a few seconds, after which you are all set!

How do I change my password?

However, If you wish to change your password, you will need to do the following:

  1. Log in to and navigate to Settings -> Account
  2. On the “Account” settings page, you will notice a section "Account password"
  3. Click on the Change account password buttonaccount password
  4. Then, enter your new password in the “Password” field and retype it in the following “Password confirmation” field
  5. Click "Change password"

Once you click "Change password" the MyJoan will take a second to update your information and inform you as soon as it is done. This process should take no longer than a few seconds.

And that’s it! You have successfully changed MyJoan login email and password.


If you need any additional support, please feel free to contact us at