General Settings

The Joan Visitor Management offers a sleek, efficient check-in process, ensuring a premium first impression while seamlessly collecting essential visitor data

Once you activate Visitor Management for a particular building, you gain the ability to customize the settings for each individual building.

1. Enabling General notifications

For now, this section offers you the possibility to enable the following:

  • Visitor arrival email notifications - after a visitor checks in, the host will receive an email notification of their arrival
  • Visitor arrival SMS notifications - after a visitor checks in, the host* will receive an SMS notification of their arrival
*Please note, that the host will need to have a phone number saved under their user settings. When an Admin or Office manager adds a new user, they can also save the user's phone number under their account settings (Settings -> User directory -> Edit). See the list of the supported countries here.

2. Enabling Visitor notifications

In this section, you have the possibility to enable the following emails:

  • Invitation email  - this is sent to the visitor after an invitation is created
  • Welcome email - this is sent to the visitor after they check-in

You can enable each email option separately by using the toggle button. Each of the emails can be configured by clicking Edit invitation/welcome email. The additional features included in each email can be enabled separately. The feature options are:

  • Show visit details and host name 
  • Show location - you can also include a Google Maps directions link 
  • Easy check-in - by enabling this feature, visitors can check in via a pre-registration link from the Invitation email
  • Attach signed document - this can be enabled under the Welcome email. If you have document signing enabled under the general settings, the visitor will need to sign a document before they check-in. The signed document can then be attached to the Welcome email
  • Additional info - in case you want to include extra details in the invitation/welcome email such as the WiFi password or the location of the meeting room

3. Who can create new visits?

It is possible to adjust who can create new visits. The options to choose from are:

  • All employees
  • Office Manager and Admin

3. Document Signing

By enabling document signing, you can select which document is required to be signed by the visitor. The documents can be edited in the Visitors -> Documents section.

After enabling the Document signing feature, you can set whether you want the signed documents to be sent to a specific email address.

Once you have set all of your features, click the SAVE button in the bottom-right corner of the page.


In case you require any assistance, please reach out to