How to change the Visionect Software Suite password

If you have forgotten your Visionect Software Suite (VSS) account password, there is no need to worry. Please find the instructions on how to reset it below.

  1. Connect to your Virtual Machine (VM) with an SSH client (such as PuTTY)
  2. Log in with the following credentials
    • Username: joan
    • Password: joanaccess
  3. Navigate to the visionect folder by using the following command
    cd /opt/visionect
  4. Run the list command to verify you are in the correct folder
  5. You should see the following two files:
  6. Once verified that you are in the correct location, run the following command to reset your password
    sudo ./

Once the process is done, your default username will be set to:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin123

If you wish to change this password to something more secure, click here to learn how.