Inviting Joan Desk Booking app users

Users do not get automatic invites to Joan Desk Booking, so you can plan your roll-out under your own terms. 

Please note that you will first need to add users, before sending them any instructions.

When you’re ready, please share links to the mobile apps (AppleGoogle) and toMyJoan with them. While in most cases unnecessary, we’ve also prepared very brief instructions for the end-users

Feel free to use the below template to notify your users:


“Dear team members,

Starting today, please book desks before arriving at the office with the Joan Desk Booking app. The app is extremely easy to use for quick ad-hoc bookings, and for planning your monthly schedule. 

Please download the app from the Apple App Store and the Google Play store or access MyJoan.

Additional instructions are available in the Joan support article. 

Please note, if you are unable to see the floor plan, then you have most likely created your own account which will need to be removed with the help of 

Let us know if you have any questions!”


If a user has created their own admin account/logged in before they were added to your list, you will receive the below error message when adding them:

Email - User with email  sample@domain already exists. Please contact support for further information.

In case this happens, please let us know at and we will remove the said user so that you can try adding them again.