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QR Code Check-in

Enhance the user experience with our “QR Code Check-in” feature, enabling a simpler way for users to check in to their reservations.

QR Code Check-In

This feature is enabled by default and streamlines the check-in process. Users simply scan the QR code on the reserved desk, which redirects them to the Joan mobile app and automatically checks them in, without needing further confirmation



The QR Code Check-in feature supports additional actions based on the availability and status of the desk being scanned:

1.  Scanning the QR Code of a Free Desk

  • Users can easily book a free desk for immediate use. When scanning the QR code, the booking time is automatically set to start from the current time.
  • The end time of the booking can be defined by the user to suit their needs.

 2.  Scanning the QR Code of a Desk Already Booked by Another User

  • If a user attempts to check in or book a desk that is already occupied or booked, the system will suggest nearby desks available for booking, enabling users to find an alternative location quickly

3.  Scanning the QR Code of the Wrong Desk

  • If a user scans the QR code of a desk other than the one they have reserved, the system will inform them by displaying the correct desk number they originally booked, providing a clear reminder and preventing check-in errors.

How to enable QR code check-in only

1. Log in to my.getjoan.com with your admin account
2. Navigate to Settings -> Desks -> General settings
3. Enable Local check-in only

By enabling this option, users must scan the QR code on their reserved desk to check-in.


How to get the QR code

1. Log in to my.getjoan.com with your admin account
2. Navigate to Settings --> Desks --> Layout
3. Select a desk and click on EDIT DESK.
4. Click on GET QR CODE. This will download the QR code, which you can then print and      place on the designated desk.


If you encounter any issues during the steps above, please contact us at support@getjoan.com.