Which features does each subscription plan offer?

Joan workplace management solution can serve a variety of purposes – from scheduling meetings to improving your office experience.

Whether you prefer our 6-inch or 13-inch device, a combination of both, or even maybe your own devices (Joan on displays and Joan on tablets), the feature set you receive is tied only to your subscription plan and is not locked by the Joan device model. 

Below is a list of all currently available solutions of the Joan meeting room booking system:

Please keep in mind that the subscription plan and the features it offers are solution-based. 


Room Booking

The room booking solution allows you to book a resource on the spot, reserve it for a later time or check the availability of the room. General room booking features include all calendar integrations (Google, Office, Exchange, EMS), all calendar functionalities (book/cancel/end/timetable), all device room interfaces, configuration (show/hide meetings, organizer, etc), disabling/enabling interface buttons.

Included solutions





General Room Booking Features

Language support

Mobile App

Custom Content

Single Sign-On (Google, Office 365)

API Access

Branding (custom logo)


Automatically free unattended reservations



Integrations (Slack, MS Teams, Webex, Custom buttons)




up to 2 weeks of data retention

unlimited data retention

unlimited data retention

Multiple location management

1 building

up to 3 buildings

unlimited buildings

unlimited buildings

Active Directory integration/SCIM (Azure AD, Okta, OneLogin)



Custom integrations




Per-device settings



Desk Booking

The desk booking feature allows you to manage your desk schedule in the office. The users can book their desks from the phone, and managers can easily book timeslots for their teams or simply see who is in the office. The general desk booking features include desk booking/deleting/editing by an employee or office manager, and enable you to set the company configuration (create the timeslots, enable check-in, etc).

Included solutions Essentials
 General Desk Booking Features
 Language support
 Mobile App & Web portal
 Multiple locations

 Single Sign-On (Google, Office365)
 API access
 Health screening
 Automatically free unattended reservations
 Active Directory integration
(Microsoft Azure, Okta, OneLogin)


Visitor Management

The visitor management option allows you to invite and track visitors on the company grounds, and let them check into the building using the QR code. The general visitor management features include inviting visitors for a specific time and for a specific host, editing or deleting appointments, and having the visits overview in MyJoan.

Included solutions Essentials
 General Visitor Management Features
 Language support
 Mobile App & Web portal
 Single Sign-On (Google, Office 365)
 API Access
 Notifications (email, mobile)
 Health screening


Digital Signage

Digital signage allows you to create custom content such as display text, image, webpage, for your device. It also allows you to use the Wayfinding feature (Joan on displays), where you can see the meeting room schedules on a big screen TV. 

Included solutions Essentials Professional
 General digital signage features - CMS
 Single Sign-On (Google, Office365)
 API access
 Wayfinding (Joan on displays)