How to connect a room resource to your Joan device

If you haven't added room resources to MyJoan account yet and aren't sure how that is done, check out this knowledge base article. After successfully adding the resources to your account, you can connect those resources to your device(s).

How to connect a resource to a device

  1. Log in to MyJoan with your account credentials
  2. Navigate to the “Office” page via the top navigation menu
  3. Select “Rooms” and then ”Devices” from the left-hand side menu
  4. A table of all your devices will be visible. Click on the unassigned device

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A new page will appear. Locate the “Choose a room:” section just underneath the device preview and select the desired room(s) from the drop-down menu. You can edit the Device's name as well.

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Click on the “Save” button once you select the correct room.

And that’s it! You have successfully connected a room resource to your Joan device. After a few moments, the device will automatically refresh and update with the latest settings and begin displaying the schedule for the selected resource(s).


If you encounter any issues, please contact