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  2. Joan devices
  3. Device settings in the Joan portal

How to show/hide the meeting subject and organizer on your Joan devices

If you do not wish to show all of the calendar information and prefer more privacy, in the MyJoan account, you are able to show/hide the meeting subject and organizer on your Joan devices.

These features can also be set as building or device-specific settings, allowing you to further customize your office experience. To learn more about these levels of settings, click here.

How to show/hide the meeting subject and organizer

In order to show/hide this information from your Joan devices, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the MyJoan with your account credentials
  2. Navigate to the “Settings” page via the top navigation menu
  3. Select "Rooms" and then “Device Settings” from the left-hand side menu
  4. In the “Device settings” section, locate the “Show meeting subject” and “Show meeting organizer” features
  5. Select the buildings and/or devices that you want to customize, if permitted by your subscription plan
  6. Enable or disable each of the features by checking or unchecking the checkbox next to the feature


Click “Save” at the bottom of the page

And that’s it! After a few moments, all your devices will update with your new settings.


If you encounter any issues, please contact support@getjoan.com.