Joan is unable to sync with my calendar

If your Joan devices stop displaying new events, it might be possible that Joan is no longer able to sync with your calendar solution.

Joan automatically extracts the event information from your preferred calendar's schedule and displays it on the Joan devices, letting you know who booked the room and when. However, sometimes it can happen that the devices suddenly stop displaying calendar information.

This can happen if you change the credentials of your calendar account, or if by any reason the session expires on the calendar connection. If Joan is not able to establish a connection with your calendar, you will need to look into your calendar settings.

So, what are the most common reasons for failed synchronization attempts between Joan and your calendar and how to resolve them?

Unable to authenticate

Office 365, Exchange, iCalendar

These calendar solutions require an account and password update on a yearly basis. If you experience the failed synchronization issue, please check if you updated your password for these solutions recently, and if you have not, make sure to do so.

Once your password is updated in your calendar solution, visit MyJoan and update your connected calendar account. To do so, please follow these instructions:

  1. Log in to MyJoan with your admin account
  2. Navigate to the “Settings” page via the top navigation menu
  3. Select "Integrations" -> "Calendar" from the left-hand side menu
  4. Click "Unpair"
  5. Select your calendar solutions once again and log in with the  same user

That's it! You should be all set now.

Google Workspace

The user authenticated with the MyJoan account might have lost access to your room resources due to many reasons such as the account being deleted, permissions being changed, etc. No matter what the case may be, you will have to update the connected account in order for Joan to be able to sync with your calendar once more.

To do so, please follow these instructions:

  1. Log in to MyJoan with your account credentials
  2. Navigate to the “Settings” page via the top navigation menu
  3. Select "Integrations" -> "Calendar" from the left-hand side menu
  4. Click "Unpair"
  5. Select your calendar solutions once again and log in with the  same user
  6. Make sure to provide Joan with the correct access to your account and calendar by clicking "Allow"

You will be redirected back to MyJoan and that's it! You have successfully updated your connected calendar account.

The resource calendar no longer exists

Another possible reason for Joan not being able to sync with your calendar is that the certain calendar resource for one of your rooms no longer exists or the account connected to MyJoan no longer has access to it.

In the “Settings” -> “Rooms” -> “Rooms” section of MyJoan, you will have to remove the problematic room resource and add it once more. 

Please find brief instructions on how to do so below. If you are interested in learning more about room resource management in MyJoan, please click here.

Removing a room

  1. Log in to the MyJoan with your account credentials
  2. Navigate to the “Settings” page via the top navigation menu
  3. Select "Rooms" -> "Rooms" from the left-hand side menu
  4. Select the specific room(s) by clicking on the blank white rectangle on the left.
  5. Click on the "Selected (1)" drop-down menu and click on "Delete" (the button will appear under the "Autoscan rooms" button above the list, once you have selected the rooms).

Adding a room

First, you will need to acquire the room resource’s email/ID. 

Once you have the Room resource ready and the email/ID copied, it is time to add it to MyJoan.

  1. Log in to the MyJoan with your account credentials
  2. Navigate to the “Settings” page via the top navigation menu
  3. Select "Rooms" -> "Rooms" from the left-hand side menu
  4. Click the "Add room" button.
  5. Paste the room resource's email/ID in the dedicated field and click "Save".

Connecting devices to the room resource

In order for the new room resource to display the relevant calendar information, you need to connect a device to it.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to MyJoan with your account credentials
  2. Navigate to the “Settings” page via the top navigation menu
  3. Select "Rooms" -> "Devices" from the left-hand side menu
  4. Click on one of your Joan devices. A page will appear which will allow you to adjust certain settings of your device.
  5. Below the preview image, you will find a field called "Choose a room".
  6. Find the desired room resource and select it.
  7. Click the "Save" button in the bottom.

And that's it! You have now successfully updated your room resource. Joan will now show your upcoming schedule on the dedicated Joan device.

Slow calendar provider system

The final common issue that might cause Joan to lose connection to your calendar is an unexceptionally long delay in the communication between the chosen calendar solution and Joan.

To be more specific, if the delay between responses is longer than 120 seconds, Joan will report a problem with the synchronization process. Such an issue predominantly happens with on-premises Exchange and iCalendar solutions.

If you experience this issue, please check your internet connection and ensure it is stable and working.


If you require any additional assistance with the above, please contact