A complete guide to get started with Joan

Are you setting up Joan for the first time in your office? You've come to the right place! Our step-by-step guide will walk you through the entire setup process.

The Joan setup process consists of five main steps:

  1. Create a MyJoan account
  2. Select your calendar solution
  3. Add rooms and resources
  4. Pair your device
  5. Select a subscription plan

Before beginning the setup process, it's important to ensure that your office's Wi-Fi meets Joan's network requirements. You can find these requirements listed here for your convenience.

Create a MyJoan account

To get started, we kindly ask you to create a MyJoan account.

MyJoan serves as a centralized hub for managing all aspects of your Joan system. From device and room resource management to enabling/disabling features and controlling your subscription plan and billing information, MyJoan has got you covered.

To ensure accessibility for all potential users of MyJoan, we recommend using an email address that everyone can access, such as myjoan@yourdomain.com. The only other variable required for account creation is your new password. While we only require a minimum of 6 characters for your password, we highly recommend using a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers to maximize the security of your account.

After you've entered your email, password, and confirmed your password, please take a moment to review our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before agreeing to them. If you're in agreement, simply check the little box and click the "Sign up" button to move on to the next step.

Select your calendar solution

It's now time to connect your preferred calendar solution to your MyJoan.

Joan currently supports the following popular calendar solutions:

To get started, simply click on the link for your preferred calendar solution from the list above to access detailed instructions on how to create and connect your calendar to MyJoan.

Please keep in mind that only one calendar solution can be connected to your MyJoan account at a time. Additionally, make sure that the calendar account allows Joan edit permissions and that the account you're connecting has the correct permissions for that calendar.

Add rooms and resources

Once you have selected your preferred calendar solution, you will need to add resource calendars to your MyJoan. These are the shared spaces, like meeting rooms or desks, that you want Joan to help you manage and keep track of.

You can add your rooms here: https://my.getjoan.com/settings/rooms/room-list

Joan can automatically scan your calendar account to find any available rooms or resources that can be synced with your Joan Portal.

Please note: Clicking Autoscan rooms will pick up all room resources (for which you have the correct permissions) from your calendar, and add them to your Joan portal account. This can cause unpleasantries, especially if you have, for example, 50+ rooms, but only want 7 rooms in the Joan portal.

If the resource does not show up, you might want to add it manually by clicking “Add a room” and inputting the calendar’s email / ID. 

Once you have added or selected a room resource, you can also customize and provide more information about the resources you wish to connect to your Joan Portal with options such as:

  • Room name
  • Capacity
  • Amenities
  • Building
  • Floor

Keep in mind that some of these options are limited to Professional and Enterprise subscription plans.

If you don't have any resources to add just yet, don't worry! You can always move on to the next step and add your resources later in MyJoan.

Pair your device

It is finally time to pair a device to your MyJoan account. This can be a Joan 6 Pro, Joan 6 RE, or Joan 13 device. You can as well connect your own display via the Joan on Display or Joan on Tablets functionality

  1. The first step is to configure and connect your device to your Wi-Fi network via the Joan Configurator mobile app. For instructions on how to do so, please click here.
  2. After successfully connecting to your Wi-Fi network and disconnecting the USB cable, a PIN code should appear on the screen of the device. 
  3. Click the “Pair a device” button in MyJoan (here) and enter the PIN. Be careful, the PIN code is case-sensitive.
  4. Clicking “Save” will lead you to a new “Edit device” screen where you can select the dedicated resource calendar for the specific device, click “Save”.

And that’s it! Congratulations on your new MyJoan account. If this is you are new to the Joan system, you will be provided with a 30-day trial period with all features available. To learn more about the trial period, click here.

Select a subscription plan

You can subscribe to one of the available plans already during your trial period. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to MyJoan with your account credentials
  2. Navigate to the “Settings” page via the top navigation menu.
  3. Select “Plans & Billing” from the left-hand side menu
  4. Fill in your company details if you have not done so yet, and click Next
  5. Click on the payment option you wish to choose. You can choose between payment via Credit card, a Prepaid code, or, Payment via invoice (contact sales@getjoan.com for the latter option)
  6. If you have entered a prepaid code, this will automatically activate the subscription plan you paid for.
  7. If you chose Payment via credit card, or Payment via invoice, you will be re-directed to the overview page. At the bottom of this page, you can see that you are already enrolled in the 30-day free trial with your new account.
  8. To change the subscription plan, please click on Select Plan
  9. Select your desired plan by clicking "Get Essentials", "Get Professional", or "Get Enterprise". To learn more about what each plan has to offer in terms of features and functionalities, click here
  10. A new "Cost estimate" page will appear. Here you will see a complete breakdown of your monthly/yearly subscription costs based on the selected plan, the number of devices connected to your account and tax (if applicable).
  11. Click "Confirm" to confirm your subscription.

If you need any additional assistance, please reach out to support@getjoan.com.